Attendance Policy


     Many of you have questions regarding how many tardy events and/or absences your child may be allowed without being considered truant. Each student is allowed a maximum of 6 parent-authorized absences and/or tardy events combined for the entire school year. For example, if your child has checked in late or checked out early 2 times without a doctor’s excuse and stayed at home for 4 days without a doctor’s excuse, then any absence or tardy after that will be considered unexcused. To avoid unexcused absences, it is imperative that you bring a doctor’s excuse to document an appointment.

     State law defines a truant student as “one who has been absent from school and/or tardy to school without valid excuses three days or more.” It further states, “Any student who has been reported as truant two or more times is considered a habitual truant.” Since our state has a compulsory attendance law, we are required to report students who are habitual truants to the court system.

     If you have any questions regarding attendance policy please see the orange booklet titled “Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline” that was given out at the beginning of school or contact the office.

     Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of the importance of your child having regular and punctual attendance.